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Good, Bucy, Elson & Drescher, attorneys at law

Is Your Loved One Safe to Drive?

I recently came across this article and felt it definitely worth sharing.  While age can be a factor in determining whether someone is safe to drive, it certainly is not the only one.  An octogenarian in good health can be a safer driver than a 70-year old who has lost sensation in one of their feet...

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Caregiver Telephone Support Group

The Oregon chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association has started a telephone support group for caregivers. It meets the third Wednesday of each month, from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. PST.  Call (800) 272-3900 to register. See the attached flyer for details. Telephone Support Group Flier If you have...

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Indestructibility and Frailty

I came across this article (When Love Isn’t as Simple as Standing by Your Man) the other day and, although it does not directly address aging, I felt that everything the Eirik Gumeny says, and the experiences he and his wife had surrounding his lung transplant, absolutely applies to anyone caring...

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Not Here by Choice

Here is a beautiful TED Talk by Phyllis Shacter about her husband’s decisions regarding treating his cancer and addressing his Alzheimer’s diagnosis.  Phyllis’ husband, Alan, chose Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED) to provide him with the end-of-life he wanted.  There are many choices,...

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Our Unrealistic Views of Death and Changing Our Perspective

Medicine has triumphed in modern times, transforming birth, injury, and infectious disease from harrowing to manageable. But in the inevitable condition of aging and death, the goals of medicine seem too frequently to run counter to the interest of the human spirit. Hospitals isolate the dying, checking...

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Thinking Outside the Box!

This is the kind of thinking outside that box that we need see!  What a wonderful idea!  Please read this article and see true innovation in action that will help our loved ones living with dementia! One Man Turned Nursing Home Design on its Head when He Created this Stunning Facility Cheri Elson,...

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Good, Bucy & Elson, Attorneys at Law

Scott C. Bucy, Attorney at Law
Jessica Stowell, Legal Assistant