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Comprehensive Estate Planning Questionnaire

State of Oregon

The purpose of this detailed questionnaire is to gather all necessary information to create a complete and customized estate plan. Your answers will help us prepare your will, trust, power of attorney, advanced health care directive, and other documents as needed. Please provide as much detail as possible. If you are unsure about any section, leave it blank, and we will discuss it during our consultation.

Please do not close this page after beginning the questionnaire

To fill out this form, please use a computer.

Section 1: Personal Information

Phone Numbers:

Spouse/Partner's Information (if applicable):

Section 2: Children and Dependents

Loans to Beneficiaries

If yes, please provide details of the loan(s), including the amount, date, and name of the beneficiary:

General Information

List of Children (include biological, adopted, and stepchildren):

Children and Dependents with Special Concerns

If any child or beneficiary has unique circumstances (e.g., substance abuse, financial irresponsibility, health issues, or disability), please provide detailed information so we can structure the estate plan appropriately.

Section 3: Burial and Funeral Wishes

Section 4: Assets

Real Property and Single-Person Trusts

If yes, please provide details about the property and the specific terms you wish to include:

General Assets

Real Property (e.g., homes, land, rental properties):

Bank Accounts (Checkings, Savings, CDs):

Investment Accounts (Brokerage, Stocks, Bonds):

Retirement Accounts (IRA, 401(k), Pension):

Cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum):

Life Insurance Policies:


Business Interests (LLCs, Corporations, Partnerships):

Other Assets (e.g., vehicles, boats, art, jewelry):

Digital Assets


Heirlooms or Sentimental Items:

Section 5: Debts and Liabilities


Loans (e.g., Personal, student):

Credit Card Balances

Other Debts

Gifts Made During Lifetime:

Section 6: Estate Planning Goals

Section 6A: Distribution of Assets at Death

Intentional Disinheritance:

If yes, please provide the following information for each individual:

Specific Cash Bequests:

if yes, please specify:

Percentage Distribution of Estate

If yes, please specify:

Residual Estate:

Contingent Beneficiaries

If primary beneficiaries do not survive you, who should receive their share?

Section 7: Fiduciaries

Guardian and Conservator for Yourself (if needed):

Preferred Guardian:

Alternate Guardian:

Preferred Conservator:

Alternate Conservator:

Personal Representative (Executor)

Trustee (if creating a trust):

Trustee (if creating a trust):

Guardian for Minor Children:

Health Care Representative

Power of Attorney:

Section 8: Miscellaneous

Charitable Giving

Business Ownership:

Safe Deposit Box:

Location of Important Documents:

Legacy Planning:

Conflict Resolution

Final Section: Additional Information

Use the space below to provide any additional details or notes regarding your estate plan.

Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to assisting you in creating a thorough and personalized estate plan.

After submission, you will not be able to return to this form and change your responses.

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